About Joanne

Hi, I'm Joanne

I love merging my interest in R&D with fine art painting. This website hosts my tech-art work. If you are interested in my landscapes you can check out my work here: joannehastie.com

I started this work in 2017 and  earned a 5th place in the 2018 International Robot Art competition and international press. Since then I have loved using code to create new color combinations and compositions! It is so different than my usual work that I host it on a seperate website.

This work has been featured on CBC radio, Google's Instagram and, most recently, BBC World News! I continue to paint by hand in a more traditional style. But this website hosts 

You can listen to my CBC North x Northwest Interview with Sheryl McKay here.

I incorporated algorithms and robotics into this work. I have installed painting robots in exhibits in Vancouver Canada, London UK and Los Angeles, US.